Aanvullende raadpleging Balanced Approach Schiphol


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Vantaa
Datum 20 juni 2024


1. Wat vindt u van de stapsgewijze invoering van de maatregelen in drie fasen en het bijbehorende tempo?
2. Wat vindt u van de nieuwe en aangepaste maatregelen (fase 1 en 2) die worden voorgesteld om het geluidsdoel te behalen?
Finnair’s aims at reducing its emission as well as noise through continues deployment of new and smarter technologies, new aircraft and modern engines. Finnair believes that one of the key challenges of making aviation more sustainable and less impactful on its surroundings is to find the appropriate balance between reducing emissions, noise and local impact whilst at the same time remaining competitive and offering connectivity within Europe for people, families and businesses, as well as with the rest of the world. Finnair uses, whenever possible, continuous decent approach that reduces noise.

As mentioned in our response to the consultation in spring 2023 related to Dutch Experimental Regulation to reduce aircraft movements at Schiphol, Finnair remains committed to addressing aircraft noise at Schiphol airport, but any effort to do so must follow the Balanced Approach Regulation to ensure that the assessment of noise issues at the airport, identification of a noise objective, and selection of any measures to address aircraft noise are achieved through a fair and transparent process. Most fundamentally, the process cannot be driven by a predetermination that annual operations must be reduced to a certain level.

With the recent change in political leadership, we believe there's an opportunity to establish a more collaborative approach. We support the idea of opening a comprehensive consultation process from the beginning of such initiatives, involving all stakeholders, including policymakers, airport management, local communities, and industry representatives. This will ensure a solution that considers the needs of all parties involved and is compliant with applicable regulatory requirements. Finnair would like to highlight that it is important to respect the requirements of the regulation on the Balanced Approach on noise related operating restrictions at EU airports (EU) 598/2014. Operating restrictions should be always seen as a last resort.