Aanvullende raadpleging Balanced Approach Schiphol


Naam Stay Grounded Network (R.A. Fekken)
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 21 juni 2024


1. Wat vindt u van de stapsgewijze invoering van de maatregelen in drie fasen en het bijbehorende tempo?
2. Wat vindt u van de nieuwe en aangepaste maatregelen (fase 1 en 2) die worden voorgesteld om het geluidsdoel te behalen?
Answer to both 1 and 2:

We like to take this opportunity to address our concerns regarding the procedure that led to these amended plans.

While we understand that this plan is initiated mostly to reach a concrete noise objective and only indirectly others, we still would have expected a more integrated approach, especially while assessing its proportionality.

A perceived 'lack of proportionality' has been presented as the main reason to amend plans of a 12% reduction of air traffic movements into a 6-8% reduction.

Perceived, because there is no benchmark for what are proportional numbers.

In the concept of proportionality, it would fit to use a more integrated approach, where multiple benefits of a 12% reduction in flight numbers are considered, like climate, biodiversity and other health benefits. These objectives are too urgent to just disregard, despite the full harmonization objectives in climate policy. Frontrunners in shaping a resilient climate policy are now punished, which only leads to a lethargic continent, running even further behind in innovation.

In short, we regret this narrow interpretation of proportionality and do not consider this a tenable procedure in the future.

Furthermore, we voice our concerns about the secrecy of the talks between Commission representatives and Dutch ministry representatives and of formal letters sent.

We regret the Dutch Ministry not having pushed back stronger in order to defend its original plans and standing up for its multiple benefits.

We regret the European Commission not being willing to combine objectives (like climate, biodiversity and health) in assessing what is a proportional set of measures.

We regret both parties to come out with such an unfathomable result of a closed negotiation, that is measurable nor clearly motivated.

We call for a more integrated approach and more motivated outcomes in assessing the unavoidable other future plans involving flight capacity reductions.

Best regards,

Stay Grounded Network