Aanvullende raadpleging Balanced Approach Schiphol


Naam International Airlines Group - IAG (Head of EU Affairs Antonio Pimentel)
Plaats Madrid
Datum 21 juni 2024


1. Wat vindt u van de stapsgewijze invoering van de maatregelen in drie fasen en het bijbehorende tempo?
2. Wat vindt u van de nieuwe en aangepaste maatregelen (fase 1 en 2) die worden voorgesteld om het geluidsdoel te behalen?

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Additional Consultation for the Balanced Approach at Schiphol Airport.

Please be advised that the International Airlines Group* fully endorses the joint response letter submitted by IATA and A4A concerning this consultation.

*International Airlines Group (IAG) is the parent company of British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus, Vueling and LEVEL. Our airlines’ networks combine to provide global reach for IAG Cargo, whilst our loyalty division, IAG Loyalty, runs the Avios rewards currency supporting airline and consumer loyalty schemes across the world.