Aanvullende raadpleging Balanced Approach Schiphol


Naam Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Ms Alicia Yeo)
Plaats Singapore
Datum 21 juni 2024


1. Wat vindt u van de stapsgewijze invoering van de maatregelen in drie fasen en het bijbehorende tempo?
2. Wat vindt u van de nieuwe en aangepaste maatregelen (fase 1 en 2) die worden voorgesteld om het geluidsdoel te behalen?
The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) is of the view that measures implemented to reduce noise in the vicinity of Schiphol Airport should balance environmental concerns with the impact such measures would have on the aviation sector. Measures implemented should therefore be holistic, yet specific, to achieve this outcome.
We note that several new measures are being considered for Phase 2 (2025) e.g. increase in airport charges for noisy aircraft, and a ban on noisy aircraft use at night. We note that while many airlines have placed orders for new-generation and quieter aircraft such as A350 Freighters, they will mostly not receive the new aircraft before 2026/2027. The proposed Phase 2 measures may thus force airlines to reduce or stop service to Schiphol Airport, at least until they receive aircraft that comply with the restrictions at Schiphol Airport. This may in turn have adverse implications on air connectivity and passenger and cargo flows, and the standing of Schiphol Airport vis-a-vis other aviation hubs.
Operationally, we understand from our airlines that the changes in the total number of flights and restricted operating hours will have an impact on airlines’ slots at Schiphol Airport. We are strongly of the view that slot historics must be respected and should not be revoked due to the imposition of noise control measures.
Finally, we note that it has not been specified whether the Phase 1 to Phase 3 measures will be extended beyond 2026, or whether additional measures may be imposed. This makes it difficult for airlines to assess the impact on their operations to Schiphol Airport in the longer term.
We encourage the Netherlands Government and Schiphol Airport to continue to engage in dialogue and active coordination with airlines currently operating to Schiphol Airport, to address their concerns. We also encourage close coordination with aircraft manufacturers and maintenance organisations, to discuss appropriate timelines, taking into consideration production timelines and technological advancements.