Amvb verbieden van de verkoop van tabaksproducten en aanverwante producten op afstand


Naam Mr Fabio Lahr
Plaats Lelystad
Datum 14 juli 2022


Wat vindt u van deze concept regelgeving?
There are far more important health issues to be dealt with. Most products are purchased online and at a distance. Especially considering how corona affected consumer behaviour. I think this proposal is ill advised and open to legal action since it restricts the rights of individuals to purchase a product that is legal. As well as the fact that nicotine in e-cigarettes hasn't been proven to be harmful. Nitrites in ham are way more harmful than nicotine, should the sale of that also be prohibited 'at a distance'? Indiscriminate restrictions and bans on products that are legal make no sense. Will other more harmful or dangerous products such as spirit alcohol also be banned from online purchases? I am against this proposal.