Wijzigingsregeling indienststelling spoorvoertuigen ivm toelating HSL-Zuid en grensbaanvak Venlo-DL


Naam SBB Cargo International AG (Dipl.- Ing. Tobias Gras)
Plaats Olten
Datum 17 juni 2016


Heeft u opmerkingen op de voorgenomen wijzigingen?
Dear sirs,

we ask for a change concerning the possibility to apply for an approval on the Dutch part of the boundary line (Venlo to Venlo border) for all rail vehicles (regardless of their type of traction), when they possess a valid homologation on the German section of this boundary line (Kaldenkirchen have Kaldenkirchen frontier).

We also hope, that there will be a solution for the cross-acceptance of german/dutch language on the boundary line, so that our loco-drivers from germany can hand over our trains in Venlo station.

Best regards,

Tobias Gras
Head of Purchasing Rail Operations
SBB Cargo International AG, Olten