Wet internationalisering in balans


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Enschede
Datum 18 juli 2023


Wilt u reageren op de maatregelen in het wetsvoorstel? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een bericht te uploaden.
This new rule will bring more damage than good. First, this shows that the minister is not thinking beyond his nose. He should ask for public opinion before coming up with such a proposal, not the other way around. Anyway, these are my thoughts;
- If dealing with the shortage of teachers in Primary and secondary schools is already a challenge. How do you plan to deal with the teacher shortage in higher education? Switching from English to Dutch will definitely cause this shortage in higher education if you want quality education.
- Your main goal is to discourage international students from coming to study in The Netherlands, which is bad for the economy, and bad for students because our students also need students from other countries/cultures. Intercultural skills are becoming more and more important.
- Why don't you make it mandatory for universities to provide housing for their own students instead of thinking that limiting the number of international students will fix the housing problem?
- We shall only be losers because it is a fact that English is more valued than our Dutch language. Our Dutch students will go to English-taught courses or rather go abroad. I see this trend among German students. They opt to study here, and pay school fees, whereas in their country they can study in German and for free! it is because of the power and benefit of English as a language and a medium of instruction.
- Changing the language of instruction to Dutch is just being selfish, there are other (effective) ways of motivating international students to remain in the Netherlands after their studies or learn the language. You will impose the rule and later on learn it won't work then you will come back to us with sorry this, and sorry that, and continue with the blame game...From the beginning, just know it won't work because internationalization has more advantages than disadvantages and you know that very well.
TIP! Let universities of Applied sciences focus on Dutch courses, not Universities of Research, because, English courses offered in HBO institutions can be offered in WO institutions. Also, let WO universities be responsible for the housing of their own students, and have the Dutch language as a mandatory course. Problem solved!


Hoe beoordeelt u de uitvoerbaarheid voor de onderwijspraktijk en heeft u nog suggesties om de uitvoerbaarheid te bevorderen?
Your suggested plan cannot be executed successfully. It will give us more stress and we shall run away from working in the higher education sector!