Wet internationalisering in balans


Naam SH Howlett
Plaats Diemen
Datum 17 juli 2023


Wilt u reageren op de maatregelen in het wetsvoorstel? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een bericht te uploaden.
Instead of building more schools and hiring more staff. Your solution is just to limit the amount of people seeking higher education here. You are basically asking for less educated people within the city, because you do not want to invest in the improvement of hundreds of thousands of young adults who are our future.


Hoe beoordeelt u de uitvoerbaarheid voor de onderwijspraktijk en heeft u nog suggesties om de uitvoerbaarheid te bevorderen?
This is feasible to do, it's just backwards thought. The entire planet is becoming international. This isn't going to stop because you wish to attempt to punish English speakers. Instead of planning for the future and the large shift in globalization of the entire planet, you'd rather be behind all of the inevitable instead of ahead of it. This idea is lead by fear and greed. Not by love and education. Invest more into our education, invest more into our future, and invest more into our teachers! More schools and staff would manage the influx of international students. There are a lot of Dutch people who need these jobs. Why would we not capitalize but restrict?