Wet internationalisering in balans


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Den Haag
Datum 17 juli 2023


Wilt u reageren op de maatregelen in het wetsvoorstel? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een bericht te uploaden.
--- language of instruction
English should be a key language in higher education, because it is today's language of science and the academic language. Limiting the use of English is to isolate the higher education in the Netherlands from the world. Think about the recruitment of professors, researchers and top talents from around the world. Think about students' access to the latest research output, most of which is in English.

--- the language skills of students
It's been observed in many countries, not just in the Netherlands, that the language skills of the younger generations indeed somewhat deteriorated. Is the language of instruction in higher education the answer to this? No. Think about the United States. Their teaching language at university is English. But many young Americans still leg behind in their (English) language skills. Think about China, where the teaching language at university is not English. The same phenomenon has been observed. The younger generation of Chinese don't master the Chinese language like the previous generation.
In the Netherlands, and in many other countries, youngsters no longer read. They watch short videos. They have other forms of entertainment. It is the change of lifestyle. It is the change of our society. Don't primary and secondary school play a more important role in the development of language skills during their formative years?

--- admitting a maximum number of students to a course (numerus fixus)
--- taking control
There should be indeed a balanced way towards internationalisation while providing quality education to Dutch students themselves. Where does that balance lies? I don't feel that I know enough to comment. But it is definitely not the removal of the English language from higher education.


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