Wet internationalisering in balans


Naam ORA Rivera
Plaats San Francisco
Datum 19 juli 2023


Wilt u reageren op de maatregelen in het wetsvoorstel? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een bericht te uploaden.
This bill is xenophobic in disguise. The Netherlands has a unique advantage in offering world-class education at competitive cost. International students are not eligible to any type of subsidies (housing, commuting, tuition) nor government aid, unlike local students, and generally would want to stay in the Netherlands after education. By enacting this bill into law, it would knee-cap the Netherland's place as a talent magnet, deferring that human capital to neighboring countries. If the problem are housing costs and integration problems, address those directly by promoting housing development and working with universities to better integrate international populations to the local culture.

International students are ambassadors of Dutch education quality. By passing this law, the Netherlands is sending a strong message that immigrants aren't welcome; even those immigrants that are talented enough to go through the long journey of education and finding a job.


Hoe beoordeelt u de uitvoerbaarheid voor de onderwijspraktijk en heeft u nog suggesties om de uitvoerbaarheid te bevorderen?
Flip the requirement. Mandate universities that international students must meet Dutch language proficiency for graduation instead of limiting the number of English courses offered.