Wijzigingsbesluit vanwege houdverbod katten met vouworen en naaktkatten


Naam Bohemia WCF (BCC) Lovely Velvet SK (Eva Novakova)
Plaats Stefanikova 209/11, 02901 Námestovo, Slovakia
Datum 19 juni 2024


Wilt u reageren op de wijziging van het Besluit houders van dieren in verband met het verbod op het houden van katten met vouworen en naaktkatten? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten en/of door een document te uploaden.
Dear Dutch legislators.
I was informed about the ban on breeding and owning certain breeds of cats.
I want to speak for the Dutch breeders and owners of sphynxes
Don't make a huge mistake by banning them!!!!
As a sphynx breeder within WCF, I want to comment on this.
You claim that Sphynx cats are sick more often than hairy cats, that they have a problem
with an orientation when they don't have a tactile mustache and that they feel bad because they are ugly.
As a long-time breeder of Sphynxes, I can personally tell you that none of that
not true. I would like to read a scientific study by experts that confirms this.
The Sphynx is a very beautiful and intelligent breed.
You should have focused on the illegal breeding and not on the breeders and owners who love these beautiful cats.
It's sad Holland didn't drug you, but Sphynx did. ??

Sincerely, Eva Nováková