Wijzigingsbesluit vanwege houdverbod katten met vouworen en naaktkatten


Naam Anoniem
Plaats United Kingdom
Datum 17 juni 2024


Wilt u reageren op de wijziging van het Besluit houders van dieren in verband met het verbod op het houden van katten met vouworen en naaktkatten? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten en/of door een document te uploaden.
I owned a Sphynx many years ago who lived to a lovely old age and at no point had any issues playing, eating, climbing onto my huge cupboard or anything my other cats did every day. All my cats for many years have been house cats and only access to a secure garden. My boy Mayhem never attended a vets for anything other than his yearly check-up and vaccinations. I have never seen any proof that their lives were in any way less happy than any of my other cats. To take this drastic action, from the outside, looks like this is activists who have no understanding of the breed, have never owned one and are making judgements on something because of what they see from the outside.
I have also seen very happy, capable Sphynx, living happy lives over the more recent years. A responsible breeder breeds their cats to live as long as possible by selecting the best cats for breeding and doing all the health tests needed.
It would be very sad to see a breed disappear because of a miss-understanding for the breed.