Wijzigingsbesluit vanwege houdverbod katten met vouworen en naaktkatten


Naam Nudelook (MISS SM Mollisi)
Plaats Italia
Datum 17 juni 2024


Wilt u reageren op de wijziging van het Besluit houders van dieren in verband met het verbod op het houden van katten met vouworen en naaktkatten? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten en/of door een document te uploaden.
The reasons for banning the Sphynx are directly taken from the Bambino statement, that is not a purebreed in any cat association, but it is a cross not allowed between two breeds, the Sphynx is not a mutant breed but a spontaneous natural mutation.
The action they should take is to ban such cross.
This is what we could write to the two veterinarians are very "anti" Sphynx.
1- hairlessness is not an impairment, many mammals are hairless, including humans, this does not subject us to skin cancer, since cancer also has a genetic factor.
Animals are smart enough not to get sunburned, I have never seen a sunburned hypopotamus.
Malassezia is a yeast. Well yes! It is not a condition, but a harmless microorganism present from the first moments of life on the skin of various animals, including humans. It is the mother herself who contaminates the puppy's coat, populating it with this fungus which proliferates in complete harmony with the fur and skin.
Ear infections are not a condition if they do not come into contact with bacteria, the wax in the ear actually protects against bacteria.
2-Respiratory infections are caused by bacteria and viruses, no furred animal is more protected from them.
3-Thermoregulation in cats is not autonomous until the twenty-first day, in no breed, but does the mother keep her kittens warm whether they are hairy or naked, the risk of death from cooling is identical.
The Sphynx has no communication problems, as like all felines, they communicate through glands, tail and ear movements. Being hairless does not prevent a cat from communicating.
4-A hairy cat often loses its whiskers when its fur changes, this does not make it handicapped, furthermore the Sphynx has more developed ears and sense of touch, to orient itself and move in the surrounding space, just like humans and other naked animals without whiskers. Nature has endowed the Sphynx with highly developed senses, being a spontaneous mutation.