Wet handhaving kraakverbod


Naam Matthieu Wielen
Plaats Koog aan de zaan
Datum 29 augustus 2019


Wilt u reageren op de intiatiefwet handhaving kraakverbod? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een document te uploaden.
As long as the government is unable to make the housing market more accessible to everyone and, in addition, to tackle the housing shortage firmly, squatting is a means that must be allowed.
The current squatting and vacancy law is used unilaterally: only to the detriment of the squatters. Where owners are obliged to report vacancy on pain of a fine, which, incidentally, is very limited, since 2010 only ONE single owner in the whole of the Netherlands has been fined. And that was in 2017! How is that possible if the vacancy rate in Amsterdam was more than 2.5 million m2 in 2010 and currently still 1.5 million m2? How many owners register their vacancy? When will that become public? More and more, laws seem to be becoming an instrument for an elite that mercilessly enrich themselves on the basis of those laws. Get rid of the new proposal and destroy the old squat law.