Wet handhaving kraakverbod


Naam P Bon
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 28 augustus 2019


Wilt u reageren op de intiatiefwet handhaving kraakverbod? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een document te uploaden.
Housing is a human right, not a speculating good for owners to enrich themselves! This law is not in the interest of citizens looking for housing, but only in the interest of economic gain. This law is only a way to further criminalize social movements that fight for the rights of all to affordable housing. If a landlord keeps their apartment empty only for the purpose of gaining economic value, those spaces should be occupied by people in need of housing.
Again, people's homes are not a speculating good!! The government should protect those who protect our rights, and this law does not protect them, it criminalizes them. As a resident of Amsterdam, I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS LAW.