Wet minimumbeloning zelfstandigen en zelfstandigenverklaring


Naam n.v.t. (Dr. Cort Johns)
Plaats Meerssen
Datum 29 november 2019


Het doel van deze consultatie is tweeledig:
1. Het informeren van de samenleving over de voorgestelde maatregelen;
2. Het verzamelen van reacties over de inhoud van het wetsvoorstel.
As long as Wlz-PGB budgets are raised to include the same amount of funding needed to hire 'zorgverlener' and 'verplegsters', I am all for paying them as much as I receive, naturally. However, in the past minimum hourly rates for caring for the chronically ill, handicapped, and disabled have been increased without any additional increase in my Wlz-PGB budgets. I have a 24/7 indicatie which, this year, in 2019 was not increased for the minimum hourly increases that were mandated starting 1-July-2019.
So, of course, my caregivers would be happier being better paid, but I cannot afford to pay for these increases by myself, unfortunately.