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Internetconsultation Global Health Strategy

Consultatie gesloten Zorg en gezondheid

In het kort

On April 20, 2022, the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) presented her advice ‘Fundament voor een Nederlandse mondiale gezondheidsstrategie' - A Framework for a Dutch Global Health Strategy, to the Dutch Parliament Committee on Foreign Aid and Trade. The AIV advice included building blocks for a Dutch Global Health Strategy and stipulates three priorities: 1) health systems strengthening; 2) pandemic preparedness and response; 3) national and international coherence. 

The Dutch Global Health Strategy aims to offer a strategic and coherent framework including clear priorities to effectively contribute to global health. The strategy will be based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and existing international human rights frameworks. It is important that the Dutch efforts in global health are demand-driven and concurrently take opportunity of the unique expertise that the Netherlands has to offer. 

To foster an inclusive process and acquire insights in the priorities to be set, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organize a series of consultation sessions with national and international public and private institutions, academic and civil society organizations, youth representatives, southern and like-minded countries and program partners in parallel to the drafting process. In addition, this internet consultation is published to give other interested stakeholders the opportunity to provide input. Questions for input are organized around seven key areas, namely:

I.           SDGs, human rights and diplomacy

II.          Health systems strengthening

III.         Pandemic preparedness and response

IV.         Commodities

V.          One Health/Health in all policies

VI.         Sustainable financing

VII.        Miscellaneous 

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