Besluit naturalisatietoets 2021


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Rotterdam
Datum 19 november 2020


I am a new (1 yr)UK resident in The Netherlands, married to a Dutchman. I am 57 and currently studying hard for A2 inburgerings. I predict that I will finish the exams by the end of March/start of April. However, for two of the exams (schrijven en spreken) the wait for results is up to 3 months. Further time is then to be added for the diploma to arrive.
This wait (along with Covid-19 delays) will take the date I can apply for my naturalisation past 1 July.
As long as I can still apply for citizenship by naturalisation with A2 I don’t mind....but...
This would be very unfair to move to B1 if there is no account made for people like me currently studying and having to wait for diplomas with the long results delays.
Please leave the naturalisation at A2 or if you want to make B1 the minimum, please make the move a gradual process so that people like me get a chance to pass the A2 diploma and still successfully apply to become a citizen.