Nicotineproducten zonder tabak


Naam The Smoke Free app (Ms L D Ross)
Plaats UK
Datum 10 januari 2023


Wat vindt u van het concept-wetsvoorstel?
My name is Louise Ross and I have worked in smoking cessation/tobacco control for nearly 20 years (UK). I believe that the draft bill, if passed, will slow down the reduction in the number of smokers, because it denies people access to non-combustible ways of getting nicotine. Many smokers have already quit, but there remains a significant number who choose not to stop smoking, and they should be able to use nicotine in a less harmful form. Deal with the issue of youth use with robust regulation on age of sale, but please recognise that smokers need an effective exit from smoked substances. In my clinical experience, smokers benefit from using a vape and/or nicotine pouches, which do not contain tobacco and do not expose the user to toxic smoke. Please consider the UK experience, where smoking rates have fallen dramatically because smokers have switched to a safer product. Thank you