Nicotineproducten zonder tabak


Naam European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA) (Mr D Sweeney)
Plaats Co Donegal, Ireland
Datum 9 januari 2023


Wat vindt u van het concept-wetsvoorstel?
Safer nicotine products are key to a successful tobacco control strategy

European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates is the voice of 27 million EU consumers of safer nicotine products. ETHRA is a consortium of 25 grassroots consumer associations in 17 European countries, supported by experts in tobacco control and nicotine research. We are mostly ex-smokers who have used safer nicotine products such as vapes, nicotine pouches, heated tobacco products, and snus, to quit smoking and to remain smoke free. ETHRA is a voluntary operation with no industry funding or conflicts of interest. Our EU Transparency Register number is 354946837243-73.

We have read with interest the explanatory memorandum regarding the Bill amending the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Act regulating non-tobacco nicotine products and nicotine devices and are pleased to see that the government wants to support smokers who want to quit.

However, we are concerned that the proposed ban on nicotine pouches is misguided and will cause harm, as it will remove a viable low-risk alternative to smoking from the market.

Please download the attached pdf for our full submission
