Onderwijs op een andere locatie dan school


Naam Mrs J. Paterson-Adkins
Plaats Stichtse Vecht
Datum 31 januari 2017


Voorgesteld wordt dat kinderen via het volgen van thuisonderwijs aan de leerplicht kunnen voldoen indien het thuisonderwijs aan minimum kwaliteitsnormen voldoet waarop de onderwijsinspectie toezicht houdt. Welke effecten verwacht u van dit voorstel? Is dit voorstel voor u in de rol van ouder, leraar of onderwijsbestuurder werkbaar? Zo nee, waarom niet? Kleven er volgens u risico’s aan de voorgestelde maatregelen? Zo ja, welke?
What provision is there for families who do not meet the proposed “quality standards” but currently have exemption from the compulsory school attendance (Article 5(b) Leerplichtwet 1969) because the government is unable to provide a school that pays due respect to the family’s religion or belief [Dutch Constitution, Article 23(3)]?

What evidence is there that the proposed “quality standards” will guarantee a quality education for homeschooled children?

Looking at this proposed law it is quite evident that there has been very little research into home education. It would appear that the legislators perceive homeschool to literally mean “school at home” and that by applying institutional standards to the home environment the quality of education will be guaranteed.

However what these legislators fail to see is that home education cannot survive under institutional rules. But if you approach home education as a different educational method that it can and will achieve so much more. In fact, if you read the conclusions of the Onderwijs2032 report you will see that schools are seeking new learning paths for their students that offer more flexibility to cater to the individual. Well, 2032 is already here because this is exactly what the homeschool offers children!


Hoe zou een thuisonderwijzer zijn pedagogisch-didactische bekwaamheid kunnen aantonen? Kunt u dit toelichten?
Why should a parent have to demonstrate pedagogic or didactic competence? I can understand why a teacher standing in front of a class of 30+ children with different needs and learning styles would require pedagogic and didactic training. But to require this from a parent is ridiculous and demonstrates how little understanding the legislators have of home education.

I have helped my 3 children learn how to walk, talk, eat, use the toilet, ride a bike, read, write and do arithmetic, without any pedagogic or didactic training at all. It is my opinion that any parent who is able to read, write and do basic arithmetic is competent to teach their primary school aged child.

And as a child gets older and their chosen subject matter falls outside their parent's scope, then the parent becomes a facilitator, helping their child to find a tutor/course/material to further their studies. With the advent of the internet age supplementary courses, material and tutors are just a click away.

So instead of asking how can parents demonstrate pedagogic or didactic competence, the question should rather be, "What can the Onderwijsinspectie do to help parents find information and resources to improve the quality of their child's education?"