Wijziging van de Wet publieke gezondheid vanwege quarantaineplicht voor reizigers


Naam Jan-Gerrit Dapper
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 9 maart 2021


U kunt reageren op het wetsvoorstel en de toelichting.
Hi, other countries (e.g. Germany/North Rhein Westphalia) might have also a quarantine requirement, but also make generous exceptions for visiting your family within 72 hours or only going for less than a day. I suggest to do the same with this law-proposal.
Also the list of orange countries should be amended in more often fashion and based on the relative infection level (relative to the NL). Ultimately there is no benefit public safety to ask people to quarantine when they just visit for the weekend 1-2 family members across the boarder with an infection level half of the Netherlands. Doing the same within the Netherlands would be more harmful in comparison.

Jan-Gerrit Dapper