Wijziging van de Wet publieke gezondheid vanwege quarantaineplicht voor reizigers


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Leiden NL / Switzerland
Datum 10 maart 2021


U kunt reageren op het wetsvoorstel en de toelichting.
Please consider all families and couples which have a long distance relationship. It must be possible for them to meet. With a quaratine (even for 5 days) this is for most of them not possible as back home they may need also do quarantine again. Its just not possible to visit the loved ones, if you dont have long holiday.
Especially when you need to travel by airplane you also cant leave this quarantine to go home as the aircraft may not take you back. There is already an exemption for Germany and Belgium, but you leave the others out and this is not fair and not good for the mental and in the end overall health for this people. They suffer a lot from this restrictions. Its not possible to plan anything and also not react spontaneously if something serious happens f. ex. imaganine some family member days, somebody gets seriosly sick or has serious problems. Those people need their partner and family. Also the financial burden for all the tests requrired is quite huge. I dont know if there is a solution for this, so that people dont need to pay this tests on their own. Love is not tourism and its a human right. Those people dont travel for only fun and I am pretty sure that they also dont abuse an exemption and will follow all rules as they dont want to risk to not see their partner again. Please consider the cost / payment of the tests and more important: instal an exemption from quarantine for them .