Wijziging van de Wet publieke gezondheid vanwege quarantaineplicht voor reizigers


Naam Theodoros Margomenos
Plaats Eindhoven
Datum 9 maart 2021


U kunt reageren op het wetsvoorstel en de toelichting.
There is no part that exempts people with special circumstances. For example, I live in Eindhoven and my girlfriend of over 1 year lives near Dusseldorf. It sounds ridiculous to have to spend at least 150euros every time to get a negative test result for us to just be able to see each other for a couple of days. People who have such relationships with others across borders should be excempt from having to have a negative test result to see their partner. Germany has similar laws but allows partners to visit each other without having to quarantine and show a negative test result under certain circumstances e.g. can only stay in the country for up to 72 hours. There should be some kind of excemption for people who are in commited long term relationships with people across the border to be able to see each other. You can easily create a form online that we can fill in with details to prove there is a relationship with said person across the border, just in case any officer asks for proof if people are stopped at the border.