Wijziging van de Wet publieke gezondheid vanwege quarantaineplicht voor reizigers


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Eindhoven
Datum 9 maart 2021


U kunt reageren op het wetsvoorstel en de toelichting.
I am a teacher working at a dutch university in the international education, and I am originating in Germany. As someone, who has old parents at home in germany and no other relatives to take care of them I travel frequently back in forth when I am needed. I think the approach of making "everything a risk country" as it is practiced now is eternally flawed. If everything is a risk country towards each other, including the Netherlands, there is practically no difference in risk anymore. But that is simply not the truth - Infection counts in Germany are still way below the average per 100000 in the Netherlands, and while I understand that classic tourism is something that should be avoided in the present time, I urge you to reconsider what a risk country is. When I go to germany to take care of my parents, I am at a lower risk than here in the Netherlands. And rightfully so, german authorities are very picky about that - with exceptions (for example, many states have a rule that first degree relatives can be visited without quarantine and complex methodologies for registry for 72 hours). I urge the Netherlands to consider at least similar exceptions, because in an area that is so tightly connected like Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, the reality is simply that the border for us is an abstract construct that does not and can not play a role in the necessities of our daily lives. It must be somehow possible to do these kind of travels without ending in quarantine on either side and spending hundreds of euros for constant testing - social responsibility has to be weighed here with pandemic managment.