Wet regulering sekswerk


Naam T Raffaldi
Plaats Den haag
Datum 15 december 2019


Wat is uw oordeel over het wetsvoorstel en de memorie van toelichting?
Welke onderdelen vindt u goed?
Welke onderdelen vindt u slecht?
Als er onderdelen zijn die u onduidelijk vindt, dan deze graag hieronder melden, zo mogelijk met enige toelichting.
Als u suggesties voor aanpassing heeft, dan deze graag hieronder melden, zo mogelijk met enige toelichting.
Dear Minister Grapperhaus,

The Dutch government proposes the Sex Work Regulation. I think that law is a very bad idea and I ask you to withdraw the proposal for this law.

I think the law is bad because it will lead to more sex workers going to work illegally than now. And illegally working sex workers are more often the victims of human trafficking and violence. I don't want sex workers to be more likely to be victims! Not you either.

I am afraid that more sex workers will work illegally because the law sets requirements for sex workers that some of them will not be able to meet:

- Sex workers between 18 and 21 can only work illegally
- Migrant sex workers without a valid residence permit can only work illegally
- Sex workers who are found not to be self-sufficient can only work illegally

Criminalization of customers promotes violence against sex workers. We see that every time in those countries where customers are criminalized.

In addition, I am concerned about the registration of sex workers. All kinds of personal information about me and my colleagues will be recorded in a register. Although the law provides safeguards for the security of those data, it is feared that they will become public due to abuse of officials and / or security that turns out to be insufficient. In order not to run that risk, more sex workers will choose to do their work illegally. And run a greater risk of abuse and violence.

I also want to bring to your attention that sex work is just work. Just like you, they earn their money by using their bodies to provide a service. Free choice of work is a human right guaranteed by the Dutch Constitution. This Sexual Work Regulation limits the right to free choice of work. That is a violation of a human right. A country like the Netherlands not worthy.

You and I do not want violence against and exploitation of sex workers, and certainly not that they will continue to increase. The Sex Work Regulation Regulation increases the risk of violence and exploitation of sex workers. In addition, she infringes the privacy of sex workers. I therefore request that you repeal the proposed Sex Work Regulation


15 december 2019

Tommaso Raffaldi