regulering smaakjes e-sigaret


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Grubbenvorst
Datum 16 januari 2021


Wat vindt u van de concept regelgeving?
Vaping is way better for health than smoking. Of course, it's still worse than breathing alpine air, but it can't be compared like this. Vaping helps a lot of people to quit smoking, also because they are finding and get amused by various tastes, and that's the reason why they put vaping over smoking. It is obviously not good when non-smoking people starts to cape, but why is it no considered that a lot of this people would start smoking instead? Concerning medical issues, there is already plenty scientific papers about it and there are no doubts it's much healthier. If it helps, it shouldn't be banned. Moreover, if we concerning these being attractive to young people, please do not forget that kids get more freedom and are better inform than in the past, and they definitely don't want to be force to obedience.