regulering smaakjes e-sigaret


Naam Anoniem
Plaats D 50679 Köln
Datum 19 januari 2021


Wat vindt u van de concept regelgeving?
Ban on flavourings is counterproductive
Dear Ministry,
Here is my personal opinion from the perspective of a former heavy smoker of 35 cigarettes over 40 years.
Ironically, the first time the e-cigarettes has helped me smoke-free over the two days of the trade fair was in the Netherlands during a visit to the IBC Amsterdam 2011. However, this 1st Gen model failed afterwards.
I successfully quit smoking down to 0 cigarettes in 2015 in just 5 weeks. From the initial tobacco flavours, I deliberately switched immediately to "creamy cake" and "pistachio".
Because, in my opinion, there is a huge risk of not moving far enough away from the old habit in terms of odour and taste. A restriction to only tobacco flavours left would associate the extreme affinity to cigarettes with every puff. In fact, it would almost be wiser not to allow tobacco as a flavouring for this very reason. Nicorette Spray is also only available in fresh mint and not in tobacco flavour.
Thank you for your attention
Volker Becker, Cologne