regulering smaakjes e-sigaret
19 januari 2021
Wat vindt u van de concept regelgeving?
No flavor ban!
The planned ban of flavors for e-cigarettes in the Netherlands should be rejected. Its implementation would be a blow to all former smokers who have managed to quit smoking with the help of e-cigarettes.
It is the variety of flavors that is the key to the success of e-cigarettes and the resulting smoking cessation.
Limiting the flavors to tobacco and menthol flavors would massively minimize the success rate for a successful quit smoking. In the worst case, vapers could start smoking again.
The scientific consensus is that the risks of vaping are worlds lower than smoking. The e-cigarette is a product for the tobacco harm reduction strategy.
One possible proposal would be to ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. This should satisfy the legislative regulatory frenzy.
E-cigarettes Save Lives
My quitting story could be read here
Kind regards,
Christian Lippmann