regulering smaakjes e-sigaret
20 januari 2021
Wat vindt u van de concept regelgeving?
This is absurd. Flavours are absolutely necessary for people to have the best chance to stop smoking and KILLING themselves. What happens when you go from something that tastes like tobacco, to trying to stop smoking with something.. THAT TASTES LIKE TOBACCO? you got it, they end up going back to cigarettes! I personally have stopped smoking with the help of all kinds of flavours, NONE of which was a tobacco flavour! Lately mostly fruity chilled liquids, and dessert/custard flavours. I used to work in the biggest chain of vape stores in Denmark, and I can tell you that maybe 1% of all the flavours we sold was a tobacco flavour. What does that tell you? People don't want to vape tobacco, and if they are forced to, they are initially condemned to smoking cigarettes and slowly killing themselves!