RVV 1990 wijziging snorfiets op rijbaan
Dr. T. Seidl
23 december 2016
Heeft u opmerkingen over de ontwerpwijziging en nota van toelichting?
Snoorfietsers seemingly ride as fast as possible. Snoorfieters ride with way to high speeds and usually faster than the cars on the roads. It seems they take the fietspad, as it is easier to overtake than on the road.
On empty fietspaden it is almost worse than on full ones as they tend to go full speed and use the honk to free their way. I have seen many times scooter-riders swearing at cyclists, showing signs, touching them with their mirrors or pushing them aside.
This aggression must stop!
I have had negative events on Damrak as well as on Admiraal de Ruijter, Jan Evertsenstraat, Frederik Hendrikstraat, Singel, etc.
Too many to count and too dangerous to ingore any longer!