Terugsluis vrachtwagenheffing


Naam Delta H on behalf of the H2Accelerate Collaboration (Ms H Bryson-Jones)
Plaats London
Datum 4 september 2023


Kunt u zich vinden in het voorliggend concept-meerjarenprogramma? En waar ziet u mogelijkheden om de wegtransportsector te helpen verduurzamen en te innoveren?
The H2Accelerate collaboration (formed by Daimler Truck, Iveco Group, Linde, Shell, TotalEnergies, & Volvo Group) welcomes the proposed support for the roll our of hydrogen vehicles and refuelling stations from the Dutch government via a truck levy. Members of the collaboration believe that the €80m (in addition to funding already provided through other National and European mechanisms) will be sufficient to achieve the minimum deployment of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure under AFIR, as well as a minimum number of trucks to provide a base utilisation for these stations.

However, the road toll of €0.15/km is not in line with H2Accelerate members’ analysis of the road tolls required to create cost parity between hydrogen heavy-duty vehicles and diesel heavy-duty vehicles. According to a milestone Total Cost of Ownership analysis by the H2Accelerate collaboration, a differential road toll of €0.40/km for diesel HDVs and €0.10/km for zero emission HDVs will allow ownership cost parity between hydrogen and diesel HDVs once the sector has scaled up to mass production. This cost parity is necessary to stimulate demand for the vehicles from end users.

In addition, while we estimate that ~27 HRS and ~600 hydrogen HDVs can be funded using this grant, we note that by 2030 the Regulation on Heavy-Duty CO2 standards will require far more hydrogen vehicles than this to be sold and HRS networks to scale-up beyond that required by AFIR. Our analysis indicates that at least 2,000 hydrogen trucks will need to be registered every year in the Netherlands by 2030.

The collaboration therefore would recommend that the road toll is increased for diesel vehicles and the additional funds raised are used to provide a capital subsidy to accelerate the number of hydrogen HDVs being deployed in the Netherlands. We remain open to discuss the views and analysis of our members regarding the deployment of heavy-duty hydrogen vehicles and infrastructure with the Dutch government.