Tijdelijke regeling groot onderhoud banenstelsel Schiphol 2024


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 28 december 2023


Hebt u vragen of opmerkingen? U kunt via deze website reageren op de regeling en de bijbehorende toelichting. Het ministerie vraagt uw reactie op alle onderdelen van deze tijdelijke (concept)regeling:
- Gewijzigde voorkeur in baancombinaties (baanpreferentietabellen);
- Vervangende grenswaardes; en
- Vrijstelling voor het gebruik van alternatieve banen in nachtelijke periodes.
De onderliggende documenten die in deze consultatie zijn meegegeven zijn bedoeld om aan te geven hoe de regeling tot stand is gekomen.
What is the point of this so called “consultation”? Thousands to objection were submitted last year against the “temporary” of yet another prolonged period of major runway maintenance, scheme staring at the beginning of 2023. All these submissions were simply dismissed, and a long and extreme period of hell-like conditions were simply forced down the throat of residences. The Buitenveldertbaan, which is quiet possibly the worst urban planning decision in history, was used non-stop during this period.

In the new submission for yet again another “temporary” scheme (for 2024 this time) it is stated “Luchthaven Schiphol verwacht dat er in de periode van groot onderhoud aan de Kaagbaan”, but one only need to look at the proposed runway preference tables to see this is not the full story. Once more the Buitenveldertbaan is going to be used extensively, which will again inflict a great deal of harm, stress and nuisance onto a large number of unwilling residents. Year after year after year it’s the same story.

It is also quite unbelievable that Schiphol claims that changes to fly schedules can not be done on short notice. Surely these runways maintenances are planned years in advance? And why is it that year after year it is the populus that is forced to accept the consequences of the maintenance and not Schiphol?

It is also insulting that safety and compliance is used as justification for these major maintenance periods. Why is the health, safety and wellbeing of people who live basically anywhere within a 50km radius of Schiphol not also considered a NATIONAL PRORITY? Additionally, why are the WHO guideline regarding air traffic noise pollution that safe guard people’s physical and mental health considered less important than EU regulations regarding runways?

But as I indicated at the start, this process is completely pointless and only used to pretend that there is community consultation. Submissions against the “temporary” scheme will simply be ignored and Schiphol will continue to do whatever it wants with absolutely no actual regard for people who live here. Schiphol is without a doubt the worst neighbor a person could have, and unfortunately you are stuck with them if you work and live in or around Amsterdam. DO BETTER