Vorming Maatschappelijke Raad Schiphol (MRS)


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Haarlem
Datum 2 maart 2023


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Wij horen graag van u of u zorgen, aandachtspunten of ideeën heeft over de MRS. Bijvoorbeeld over hoe de MRS bestaande en nieuwe groepen belanghebbenden aan zich kan binden?

De kerntaken, de structuur en het lidmaatschap van de diverse leden van de MRS zijn eerder samen met de betrokken belanghebbenden en omwonenden ontworpen. Een reactie op deze delen leidt mogelijk niet tot een verandering in de regeling.

I have been measuring the noise level in the last couple of days and its a constant 60-80 dB in front of my building. I want to go in the park I have to accept this and after 30 minutes I get headaches.
This cannot be in the Netherlands ... its 2023, people should be at the center of decisions. There are enough problems to have this hanging over our heads. Remember: "“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”
Your average calculation means nothing. If your plane wakes me up at 4 AM I cannot go back to sleep. And taking sleeping pills because you don't care about the citizens doesn't make any sense.
This is from the WHO site: "Nuisance at night can lead to an increase in medical visits and spending on sleeping pills, which affects families’ budgets and countries’ health expenditure. The gap between rich and poor is likely to increase if governments fail to address noise pollution."
So people living close to this airport are 2nd class citizens for the Dutch government?
- no flights at night between 22 and 6 or 23-7
- develop other airports and increase their capacity - Eindhoven, Rotterdam-Den Haag, Lelystad
- find better routes (you are already using them yet still you decide to fly over people houses)
- set a fund for people living in the vicinity of the airport to get medical support, medical supplies needed for years of life ruining noise
- immediately reimburse in full the people which paid from their own pocket to insulate their homes in the last 10-15 years

There is nothing you can say that matters more than the people and their wellbeing.
This doesn't need planning this needs to be done NOW.

Its a shock and disappointment that in a country like The Netherlands this is a topic of discussion.