Wijziging van de Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting in verband met tweede evaluatie, actieplan donorkinderen en omvorming Sdkb


Naam Families of Sperm Donor J.J Meijer. (Ms A Dabey)
Plaats Australia
Datum 9 juli 2020


Wilt u reageren op het wetsvoorstel dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een document te uploaden.
We write to you from Sydney AUSTRALIA to support this change and request an urgent reform of the donor conceived laws.
We have a child that was conceived by IVF Australia, using donor sperm from Cryos Denmark. The donor we used, (a donor Cryos was happy to recruit as a donor), is DUTCH. This donor travelled from Holland to Denmark for 4 years to donate.
Unfortunately Cryos did not check or do any internet research on this Donor.....This Dutch donor is the infamously known donor that conceived 102 known offspring at 11 dutch clinics, and then set his sights on the international donor market. This donor has donated at nearly every major clinic in Europe as well as privately around the world. So far, we have been informed that there around 800 children from this Donor and the numbers are increasing. There is no central data base that could allow parents or prospective parents to CHECK and confirm who this Donor is and how many children be has created. Due to this, we cannot minimalise the number of donor offspring.
Please correct this monumental mistake and legal injustice.
If there is any assistance we can offer, please be in touch.
Furthermore, if you require any further information on the donor I am speaking of....please search "102 children Dutch Donor" in your search engines, e.g.. Google. You will find MANY news and media articles.