Wet abortus is zorg


Naam Louise Conway
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 1 februari 2024


Aan alle anderen vragen wij of het wetsvoorstel zorgvuldiger kan en zo ja, hoe.
Growing up in Ireland, abortion was always criminalised. If you accessed an abortion, you could face up to 16 years in prison, the same if you are a provider of an abortion.

I remember when I was 16, a friend of mine became pregnant when we were just school girls. It was so scary, the thought of what she was going to do, and how we could help her. Her parents were strict and she didn't want to tell them. So we pooled together as much money as we could and she was able to buy a plane ticket to Liverpool. She went alone, on the plane, to Liverpool and back to access the abortion. All alone. At sixteen.

Luckily, in 2018, Ireland succesfully decriminalised abortion. Women, girls and pregnant people no longer have to travel anymore. Thankfully. Imagine the steps forward Ireland has taken, imagine if those steps were taken backwards.

This is what I fear for the Netherlands. A place I have been lucky enough to call home for two and a half years.

That is why I urge you to decriminalise abortion. It is basic healthcare. It is a human right. It is about bodily autonomy. It is about choice.

Think about that 16 year old girl travelling alone. Make it healthcare, thats where it belongs.