Nota van wijziging Wet regulering sekswerk


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Den Haag
Datum 16 maart 2023


Wilt u reageren op de nota van wijziging bij het wetsvoorstel regulering sekswerk? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een document te uploaden.
I find this amendment to the law completely unnecessary.
Article 16: Processing special personal data of sex workers is inconsistent with our fundamental rights and endangers sex workers. The letter from Soa Aids ( to the WGTS explains the arguments against this well.
Article 8a: It is a complicated process to understand someone's personal situation. There is no evidence that a 90-minute control interview helps solve human trafficking. Such a conversation every year is a farce, ticking off without effect. It stigmatizes sex workers and does not contribute to the goal it pursues.
I am against the changes in this memorandum and against the WRS. An amount of 13.7 million euros has been budgeted for this law over the next two years.
It is better to invest this amount in the sex work community in the Netherlands and its alliances. Because only then can you ensure a safer working environment for everyone in the sex industry.