Nota van wijziging Wet regulering sekswerk


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Maastricht
Datum 14 maart 2023


Wilt u reageren op de nota van wijziging bij het wetsvoorstel regulering sekswerk? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een document te uploaden.
I am against the WRS and also against the memorandum of changes.

The WRS and the Memorandum of Changes are a very bad idea. You know this. It has been told to you many times by experts and sex workers, but you still insist. Just be honest and say that you object to sex work for religious reasons. At least you would be honest. Always the lies. I have little confidence that this so-called consultation will be taken into account in your decision-making. I suspect you already have your own agenda.

We shall see. Be aware that your current policies are causing a lot of extra misery. But it seems the government doesn't care.