Wijziging RWN herkrijging en verlies Nederlanderschap na langdurig verblijf buiten Koninkrijk en EU


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Australia
Datum 27 maart 2023


U kunt op het gehele wetsvoorstel en de toelichting reageren.
As a Dutch citizen living in Australia as a permanent resident, I am frankly upset that NL continues to make my life in Australia difficult. While the Australian government allows me to acquire the Australian nationality, the Dutch government will take away the Dutch nationality if I do.

Such a rule is completely irrational in the globally connected world in which we live in. By not allowing us to acquire the nationality of the place in which we work and live, we are deprived of the same legal rights and security enjoyed by the rest of the population. This goes way beyond 'voting rights' and into many legal rights.

As an example, as a permanent resident (instead of a citizen) of Australia I am forced to constantly renew a 'resident return visa' to be able to travel in and out of Australia. Its issuance and renewal is discretionary and has many rules behind it. If for instance I choose to live outside of Australia for more than 5 years, the Australian government could choose not to renew the permanent residency despite the fact that all of my life and possessions are in this country.

By not being allowed to acquire the Australian citizenship while retaining the Dutch nationality the Netherlands government is forcing me to live a life without the certainty that I can return to my home country (Australia) without any restrictions. It is forcing me to live a life where returning to my home country is constantly at the discretion of the Australian immigration officers.

As an EU country the Netherlands uses the same passport as the rest of Europe. Why is it that the Netherlands forces the Dutch population to comply with all types of EU directives that are not in favour of the Dutch people, yet when it comes to double nationality it somewhow justifies taking a different path from the rest of the EU passport countries and the world!!!

I invite you to take a look at this image showing that almost the entire world allows multiple nationalities.


If the Netherlands continues to push a policy of NOT allowing multiple nationalities, at the very least Dutch citizens deserve a proper explanation with logical arguments to justify the decision. A proper debate needs to take place.