Wijziging RWN herkrijging en verlies Nederlanderschap na langdurig verblijf buiten Koninkrijk en EU


Naam A Petter de Souza
Plaats Curitiba, Brazil
Datum 11 april 2023


U kunt op het gehele wetsvoorstel en de toelichting reageren.
I am Dutch by blood because my grandfather was born in Holland and moved to Brazil when he was 11 years old and died as a Dutchman because he never acquired Brazilian nationality.
I was on my mother's passport which she forgot to renew when I was a minor and I automatically lost my nationality.
Please note that it is very important for me to keep my Dutch nationality to allow me to exercise my rights as a citizen of the European Union. I am not a citizen of any other EU country and the Dutch nationality is my only means to allow me freedom of movement, residence and education anywhere in the EU.