Balanced Approach Schiphol


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Soest
Datum 10 juni 2023


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Growth of schiphol with more than 500.000 flights is not balanced with the environment. This because of the noise, fine particle dust emission and co2 impact of flights in one of the most crowded regions of Europe.

Noise is even 50db+ in Soest and Amersfoort 40km away from Schiphol. The current 500.000 flight number already results in to high noise and environment impact in a large part of the netherlands.


Growth of schiphol with more than 500.000 flights is not balanced with the environment. This because of the noise, fine particle dust emission and co2 impact of flights in one of the most crowded regions of Europe.

Noise is even 50db+ in Soest and Amersfoort 40km away from Schiphol. The current 500.000 flight number already results in to high noise and environment impact in a large part of the netherlands.