

Naam Village Farmers Initiative (VFI) (CEO Asikaralu Okafor)
Plaats Anam, Nigeria
Datum 14 april 2022


Thema’s en sectoren van de toekomst
Nu de wereld in transitie is om een goede toekomst voor ons en de generaties na ons te bewerkstelligen verandert de focus van bedrijven, overheid en kennisinstellingen.

5. Op welke thema’s of sectoren ziet u kansen om internationaal te ondernemen?

Themes and sectors of the future
The focus of companies, governments and knowledge institutions is changing in light of the global transition to ensure a bright future for current and future generations.

5. In which themes or sectors do you see opportunities for international enterprise?
I see great opportunities in the seed sector as far as food and nutrition is concerned. Good food and nutrition starts with a good seed sown on a fertile ground. If we can develop and structure the seed industry in developing countries to become more viable, it will develop our local economy and increase the productivity of all stakeholders in the value chain for a sustainable food systems transformation. This is where the role of smallholder farmers that produce 70% of the food we consume cannot be overlooked or under-estimated especially the women. We need to provide them with all the necessary support and technical skills they need to increase efficiency and productivity. When we have enough food to consume locally, the policy makers will have no choice than to create bilateral relationships and partnerships with countries seeking for all these crops as food or raw materials. Our government will also have enough reasons to un-ban and remove export restrictions on certain food/crops to generate revenue through foreign direct investment with international trade. It will create more jobs and empower both women smallholder farmers and SMEs in countries where these food/crops are produced and importing countries where they are in high demand.
If there's no farmer to produce, there's no raw material to process and when there's no processed food or raw material to process, there's nothing to trade with both locally and internationally.


Afrondende algemene vraag

10. Heeft u nog andere punten van aandacht die u vindt dat meegenomen dienen te worden in de nieuwe beleidsnota?

General closing question

10. Are there any other points that you believe should be included in the new policy document?

The responses so far looks good to me.