Jongeren strategie/ Youth Strategy

A large group of young people in the Sahel, Horn of Africa and the MENA region is facing a huge lack of prospects for the future, among other things due to the enormous unemployment and insufficient education. There is a gap between (the quality and relevance of) education and what young people learn and the demands of the labor market. The Netherlands invests in more perspective for young people and focuses on education and work. To be able to do that well, we are developing a strategy.

Consultatie gegevens

Publicatiedatum 16-07-2019
Einddatum consultatie 30-08-2019
Status Gesloten
Type consultatie Beleidsnota
Organisatie Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
Onderwerpen Internationale samenwerking

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Doelgroepen die door de regeling worden geraakt

The target group of this strategy is young people (15-35) in the Sahel, Horn of Africa and the MENA regions. To sharpen our policy strategy, we are particularly looking for input from:
- NGOs working on this theme and / or in the specific regions
- Knowledge institutions that have experience with linking education to
- Young people (organizations)
- Companies with experience in connecting the labor market to
- Innovators and experts who have knowledge of (digital) participation
of specific target groups

Verwachte effecten van de regeling voor de doelgroepen

The Dutch strategy is aimed at equipping young people in the focus regions with skills that prepare them to build a stable future and enable them to find decent work. Good education and employment are key to social and economic progress. The Netherlands invests in young people to find a way out of poverty. Our efforts are aimed at exploiting the potential of young people as much as possible. The objectives of the BHOS policy for the benefit of young people are formulated as follows:

- Investing in relevant skills of young people and improve transition from school to work;
- Improving the match between what is learned in school and the demand on the labor market through an integrated approach, and by stimulating cooperation between private sector and education / training institutions;
- Increasing employment for young people by stimulating entrepreneurship, investments in startups, coaching, internships, mentorship, making existing markets attractive (accessible), with a specific focus on women;
- Increasing the structural and meaningful participation of young people and strengthening the voice of young people in decision-making and policy making, both in our own policy and in the policy of countries in the focus regions, where young people often have little or no say at the moment. This concerns both new policy and existing policy.

Waarop kunt u reageren

We are currently working on our strategy on Youth, Education and Employment (attached you'll find the outline of the strategy). To make sure we make use of the most up to date expertise and knowledge, your input on this strategy is very much appreciated.


Overige documenten

  • Outline youth strategy for consultation