Jongeren strategie/ Youth Strategy


Naam I4NATURE (ir. Xander Beks)
Plaats Rosmalen
Datum 12 augustus 2019


1. If you look at the 3 regions that we focus on (MENA, Horn of Africa, Sahel) – can you mention specific trends per region which are relevant for the strategy. Are there, for example, specific sectors where there is much to be gained? Or specific skills that young people lack in a certain region or sector?
A shared trend for all the regions mentioned is that the agricultural sector is strongly ageing. A big work force is needed, with at the same time a transformation of the sector that is going on because of the digital revolution of past decade.


2. Do you have examples of successful "scaled up" initiatives / programs in the field of education and work to increase youth employment, and if so, which ones? Or do you know of certain successful initiatives that are worth scaling up in the 3 regions mentioned?
There a lot of succesfull initiatives of training youth in entrepeneurial skills but not getting youth into agriculture where a connection is made with the intrinsic motivation of young people. Talent- or innovation hubs within regions (which make them adaptive to the region an integrated with the community it self) are worth while scaling up. The basis for working with these concepts is the motivation concept, an academic proven theory from the US, developed for young people and practiced in the Netherlands. The connectivity from these hubs by power of data and internet makes the initiatives attractive and a snowball effect will be reached.


3. Do you have specific ideas or additions about how we can make young people part of this policy? How do we ensure that they participate in the implementation of this strategy?

Yes, by involving young people in developing this policy and particularly create room for them to implement it will create a participative wave which is youth led. The Taskforce For Rural Africa has recommended such an approach. The reliability of the environment in which they participate is more important than the involvement of youth it self. Youth does things differently so the institutions have to be sensible and prepared for that.Only in that way it will succeed, all stakeholders must be aligned for the common goal developed in the policy making.


4. Anything else you feel is worth mentioning?
The succes of involvement of youth is not relying on good plans on paper, but practice what you preach, take them serious considered from their perspective. The possibility of trial and error (i the social and institutional system, not on paper) is a good example of this, the community needs to learn and devevlop together with young people, this is not an easy paper excersize.
