Jongeren strategie/ Youth Strategy


Naam Rural Youth Development Council (RYDEC) and African Union-European Union Youth Cooperation Hub (00237696653401 Mounchili Aoudou)
Plaats Yaounde - Cameroon
Datum 7 augustus 2019


1. If you look at the 3 regions that we focus on (MENA, Horn of Africa, Sahel) – can you mention specific trends per region which are relevant for the strategy. Are there, for example, specific sectors where there is much to be gained? Or specific skills that young people lack in a certain region or sector?
We think it will important to consider the fact that two regions (horn of Africa and Sahel) are faced with violent conflicts that lead to forced migration (refugees, internally displaced) and specific intervention should target such groups as people on the move, and crisis and emergency contexts. It will be important to consider investment in developing skills such as mediation, intercultural communication and cooperation, digital skills conflicts transformation


2. Do you have examples of successful "scaled up" initiatives / programs in the field of education and work to increase youth employment, and if so, which ones? Or do you know of certain successful initiatives that are worth scaling up in the 3 regions mentioned?
One initiative that could be scaled up in these regions is the out of the box education initiative initiated by young experts of the African Union and European Union Youth Cooperation Hub's Education Cluster( The initiative is aiming at bridging the gap between Education and the world of work by equipping youth with employability skills for the 21st century jobs and entrepreneurship, STEM.


3. Do you have specific ideas or additions about how we can make young people part of this policy? How do we ensure that they participate in the implementation of this strategy?

Regional Platforms(for the 3 regions) can be created in these regions linking youth engaged / interested in entrepreneurship Education, Peace education and (global) citizenship Education where they will develop, implement, monitor and evaluate programmes to meet expected results.


4. Anything else you feel is worth mentioning?
Rural - urban gaps and diversity (indigenous rights, minority groups) should also be considered.