Internetconsultation Global Health Strategy


Naam Right To Play Netherlands (Institutional Partnerships Manager LM Wijkel)
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 19 augustus 2022


Session 1: Diplomacy and human rights-based

Question 1: How could we best include the input of marginalized groups in our diplomacy efforts?

Question 2: The Netherlands is often referred to as a donor with courage. If the Netherlands wants to continue being such a donor, which are the (health-related) themes we should focus on?

Question 3: How can the Netherlands best align the national and international efforts regarding Global Health?

Question 4: How can the Netherlands make more effective use of its diplomatic network abroad, including embassies, permanent representations and thematic experts (such as health attachés)?

Question 5: How can the Netherlands' position within the UN (and its reputation in the field of international (human) rights) be used to advance global health objectives?

Question 6: How can we systematically link diplomatic efforts in Brussels, Geneva and New York to the benefit of coherence and greater effectiveness?
Q2: The adoption of a more holistic and integrated view of SRHR in addressing the SRHR needs of populations with distinct needs. For example, incorporating gender and cultural norms is foundational to address the underlying driver of poor SRHR and other health related outcomes.
The Netherlands has championed the expansion of rights for marginalized groups; however, these rights are not shared globally, and the SRHR agenda should be packaged and incorporated into a broader agenda of internationally shared challenges and smart solutions.
Moreover, we recommend to create funding streams for research and development, including service delivery/implementation and service utilization, and technology transfer in the field of (young adolescent) SRHR. The Netherlands should stimulate the use of innovative approaches around Social Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) and focus on system strengthening (health system, school system etc.).

Q3: The Netherlands can play a leading role in the facilitation of a Global Health Forum. Which includes an active and organized civil society (within NL and abroad) as well as representatives of knowledge institutions, academia, the public and private sector that can contribute to the development, implementation and monitoring of a Dutch Global Health Strategy.

Moreover, The Netherlands could continue the push for focusing to support to countries with insufficient resources to guarantee essential health services and financial risk protection for the poor and marginalized.

Q4,5: In some Embassies there are thematic experts on topics like SRHR already. They play a key role in pushing and advocating for systemic change for the principles and values for global health. Health attachés should continue their engagement in country-level coordinating bodies and be the linking pin between implementing bodies (with the relevant networks) and the technology from the private sector. Moreover, presence in these local (UN) coordination bodies will allow the Netherlands to continue to lead on innovation and push for reforms and investments in the international infrastructure and capacity required to address existing and emerging global health challenges.


Session 2: Health systems strengthening

Question 7: How can we reach everyone, especially the most marginalized people, to ensure their access to information and medical service?

Question 8: How can we make use of the specific knowledge and experience of all different sectors involved in global health? How can we also involve the private sector in meeting the people in greatest need?

Question 9: How can we promote green and sustainable health systems strengthening?

Question 10: How can we gear health systems strengthening most effectively towards better preparedness?
Q7: Extend collaboration with local CBOs and national Ministries of Health. Facilitate (longterm) collaboration between health experts (e.g. I-NGOs with a trusted reputation and proven experience) and national ministries of Health. Push for systemic change through facilitation of (health) programmes of scale.
Also, promote an integrated approach towards improvement of health systems. Infrastructure (physical and technological/digital) is a big issue in most countries and its improvement is foundational to improving access to information and services.

Q8: To mobilize and bring to bear the strengths and perspectives of non-state actors contributing to the realm of global health (including academia, the private sector and civil society) and identify on which issues these actors could be linked to address the global health challenges and demands. Potentially through a Global Health Forum. This could create opportunities for non-state actors including international NGOs to participate and contribute to knowledge sharing, technical working groups, policy development. It would also create opportunities for learning and iteration within fundings opportunities. Moreover, we recommend to provide funding in early stages of initiatives (pilots) to enable diverse partners to form consortiums and collaborative relationships.

Q9: To facilitate learning and knowledge exchange and develop technical capacity, especially among the next generation of academicians and practitioners, and for the advancement of research on the intersection of climate change and health systems


(1) To intensify further cooperation with other actors in multilateral, bilateral or other multi-actor global health security initiatives.
(2) To support the development of an integrated and contextualized (country-specific) health system and governance strategy including all the relevant stakeholders. Allow investments in prevention and information dissemination about health related issues. In many countries the focus in the health spheres is often in the emergency spheres. A longer term approach is needed to sustainable improve the health system, resulting into more resilient and healthier communities.


Session 5: One health multisectoral approach

Question 20: There are noticeable links between global public health and other themes, including climate, food security and nutrition, clean leaving environment (e.g. WASH/clean water and air), animal health, economy, school health (e.g. CSE, ASRHR) and sustainability (social, economic and environment). Which should be the priorities that are also practically feasible for the Netherlands in this regard?

Question 21: How do we best engage in this intersectional approach of global health?
Promote an integrated approach in development programmes following a catchment approach. Water (availability, use, quality), FSL, health, SRGR, quality education, environment and social cohesion are all interlinked. Programmes should be result oriented and flexible - providing sufficient space for adjustments and additional activities if deemed needed.