Internetconsultation Global Health Strategy


Naam Netherlands Red Cross (Health Delegate Ms Seje)
Plaats Kenya
Datum 18 juli 2022


Session 1: Diplomacy and human rights-based

Question 1: How could we best include the input of marginalized groups in our diplomacy efforts?

Question 2: The Netherlands is often referred to as a donor with courage. If the Netherlands wants to continue being such a donor, which are the (health-related) themes we should focus on?

Question 3: How can the Netherlands best align the national and international efforts regarding Global Health?

Question 4: How can the Netherlands make more effective use of its diplomatic network abroad, including embassies, permanent representations and thematic experts (such as health attachés)?

Question 5: How can the Netherlands' position within the UN (and its reputation in the field of international (human) rights) be used to advance global health objectives?

Question 6: How can we systematically link diplomatic efforts in Brussels, Geneva and New York to the benefit of coherence and greater effectiveness?
Promote humanitarian diplomacy, culture of non-violence and inclusion - recognize the triple burden of conflict, poverty and pandemic and its impact in accessing marginalized groups


Session 2: Health systems strengthening

Question 7: How can we reach everyone, especially the most marginalized people, to ensure their access to information and medical service?

Question 8: How can we make use of the specific knowledge and experience of all different sectors involved in global health? How can we also involve the private sector in meeting the people in greatest need?

Question 9: How can we promote green and sustainable health systems strengthening?

Question 10: How can we gear health systems strengthening most effectively towards better preparedness?
Community engagement and effective collaboration facilitates the inclusion, particularly marginalized groups. Linking / connecting systems and structure - through task shifting , use of digital technology, and strengthening of indigenous knowledge


Session 3: Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Question 11: Which lessons should we learn from our approach in earlier pandemics, and more specifically, what could we do better?

Question 12: What are the most pressing gaps in the current global health architecture regarding PPR, and how should/can they be addressed?

Question 13: How can we best ensure sustainable financing for PPR?

Question 14: To what extent should new international agreements be legally binding?

Question 15: To what extent should the Netherlands promote the sharing of IP, knowledge and data in the context of PPR?

Question 16: How could we best communicate to a global public audience in order to not only prevent but also respond better to a pandemic?
Promote anticipatory actions for better response in future Take advantage of working / existing system


Session 4: Products and supply

Question 17: What is necessary to improve local research and production medical supplies, medicines and vaccines?

Question 18: How can the private sector contribute to the production and distributions of medical supplies, medicines and vaccines?

Question 19: How can we facilitate local production?
Allocate resources for research in the south and promote partnership


Session 5: One health multisectoral approach

Question 20: There are noticeable links between global public health and other themes, including climate, food security and nutrition, clean leaving environment (e.g. WASH/clean water and air), animal health, economy, school health (e.g. CSE, ASRHR) and sustainability (social, economic and environment). Which should be the priorities that are also practically feasible for the Netherlands in this regard?

Question 21: How do we best engage in this intersectional approach of global health?
priorities to focus are Food security and nutrition, Mental health