Veiling 700, 1400, 2100 MHz


Naam drs A.H.A. de Cock
Plaats Gouda
Datum 15 januari 2020


Wat vindt u van het voorgenomen beleid zoals vastgelegd in de diverse regelingen en aanverwante besluiten?
Veiling van 5G is geen goed idee, want 5G is volgens vele wetenschappers absoluut niet veilig en moet dus niet uitgerold worden. Naar de gevolgen van 5G voor de gezondheid is geen enkel onderzoek gedaan.
Allereerst vraag ik uw aandacht voor de oproep van Frank Clegg, ex president microsoft Canada, over de veiligheid van 5G en draadloze technologie
Appealing to world health organizations, policy makers and governments calling for more studies and safer technological products, practices and policy at all levels.

Vele wetenschappers en artsen hebben zich uitgesproken tegen 5G
- INTERNATIONAL APPEAL Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Een oproep van 191.402 wetenschappers en artsen uit 203 landen.
We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.
- The 5G appeal
Een oproep aan de EU van 268 wetenschappers en artsen.
5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields RF-EMF, that has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.
- EMF Scientist appeal
Een oproep van 252 EMF wetenschappers op terrein elektromagnetische velden
We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF). Based upon peer-reviewed, published research, we have serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices. These include–but are not limited to–radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra-structures used in the delivery of electricity that generate extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF).