Regeling reguleren smaken e-sigaret


Naam Herr Bengt Wiberg
Plaats Lidingö, Sweden
Datum 26 september 2022


Wat vindt u van de concept regeling?
It is absolutely crazy to propose a ban of flavors in any nicotine product that is 99% less harmful than smoking. This does for E cigs, snus, chewing tobacco, nicotine pouches and heat not burn products. In Sweden we have the lowest smoking prevalence in all Europe with only 5% daily smokers according to the latest EU Eurobarometer and we have by far the lowest rate of all smoking caused cancers such as lung cancer, oral cancer, stroke, cardiovascular diseases etc. in all Europe.

This is mostly thanks to the use of vastly safer nicotine products with flavors that has switched Swedes from deadly smoking to non-deadly much safer new nicotine products. Is the Dutch government not aware of the scientific fact that nicotine in itself does not cause any form of cancer? This is a scientific fact and can also be read on the home pages of WHO and US FDA.

Don't miss the opportunity for smokers to quit smoking by banning the flavors in non combustion new nicotine products.