Regeling reguleren smaken e-sigaret


Naam Mr. P C Margerum
Plaats Eindhoven
Datum 24 september 2022


Wat vindt u van de concept regeling?
As a British Expat living in the Netherlands for the past 6 years it has been a surprise to me that the Dutch Government is acting in what I would compare to the British Government as backwards on something like vaping.

There have been lengthy independent studies in the UK carried out by top ranking institutes like the British Medical Journal, King's college and the Government's own Public Health body, here:
and here:

The evidence is clearly being seen that vaping is an evil far less severe than smoking and by some large margin.
While not as good as not vaping, vaping is a definite better option for persons seeking to get away from smoking.

To this point I found myself in 2013, as a smoker of some 15 years diagnosed with a form of bladder cancer.

I had to quit, but it was not easy as some might lead you to believe. Even medical sciences show that nicotine cessation devices like lozenges, gum, patches and others have lower cessation rates than what vaping has (in a very small amount of time) achieved.

Vaping, and its associated flavours which the Dutch government now seek to ban, are one of the most important factors in helping me to quit smoking at all and as such the flavours have lent themselves to many people in the UK to do the same without the pitfalls and high chance of relapse that going "Cold Turkey" causes.

I find that Paul Blokhuis' motivations for pushing all of this anti-vaping legislation to be incredibly sketchy and lacking any sort of credible argument.
To be something of a knave I would even suggest that the tobacco lobby has itself firmly in with the Dutch government seeing as it would seek to ban vaping before it even considers banning smoking.

In conclusion I find the government's attitude towards vaping lacking, this approach to banning flavours to be perposterous.

Vaping has helped me, it has helped others and you in power would seek to remove something so good from so many.

I await your response and the resulting consultation.

Yours faithfully

Paul Margerum